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BMWMCON - Chatin'

Marcum Work Day Is Done, Completed-No Work Day Tom...
Douglas Pittman


Thanks to all who made it out today and the volunteers for tomorrow. We accomplished everything on our list and there will be no work day tomorrow, Sunday.

Special thanks to Martin Rooks, our new Club member, who is a professional tree trimmer; who, with a crew of Club members and Larry's son-in-law Dusty knocked out all the big trees and trimmed the entire driveway. Thanks to Michael Umprhes for coming out earlier in the week to assess what had to be done and again today to lead the work group tackling everything around the house and pool. Jerimiah, Pat and Larry's grandson ran the skid steer and with Micah pulling the trailer they hauled cuttings the whole time, non stop. All the cuttings were moved to future burn piles. Everything looks great.

Pat and her daughter Micah provided coffee, snacks and a wonderful lunch with desert. We all had fun.

When this project started there was hope for 5 or 6 people but we ended up with over 25 volunteers - that says a lot about all of you. Our Club is the Greatest!

Again - no work day tomorrow and thanks again.

Douglas Pittman

Picture: Larry Marcum at Artic Circle, Dalton Highway, July 3, 2012

Don't you know Larry is smiling and laughing....🙂

Michael Umphres
All you did to organize us really made the day a success.  I am real glad to be a part of the team.

Looking forward to our next ride.

Mike Umphres

Skip Neuhoff

What a great day, despite the rain. We all worked together and accomplished a tremendous amount. Thanks to all

Skip Neuhoff


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