Our group leaves Nashville area on Friday morning Nov 30 around 8-9 AM after we meet for breakfast, and returns home Saturday after lunch to be back in Nashville before dark. We ride rain or shine and stay in Jasper, Alabama at the Super 8 on Friday night. Supper is provided Friday with lunch provided Saturday - both at the Children's Home. All costs are covered by donations and you contribute any amount as they are always grateful.
Call the Super 8 directly for the Eldridge Toy Run reduced rate that is about $10 less than normal.
Super 8 Hotel
In the past there have been over 1,000 bikes along with custom cars and trucks. It is quite a spectacle to watch them arrive and fun to mingle in the crowds with all the bike and custom vehicles. We have special parking so we can come and go with ease and have time to enjoy the event. Meet others from around the south and south east. Please email me with any questions you might have and let me know directly if you can attend or think you might want to join us.
Couple of links for more information and pictures (neither of these have hotel info)