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Larry Marcum Update - Day 29 -Prayers Needed
Polly Wright
Please tell Larry I am praying for him and I am so glad to hear he is getting better.  Thank you for keeping us informed about his condition.  I hope one day soon this virus will be gone and I can come visit him.  In case you didn't know, I am a member of the BMW Club too.  I am also a friend of your Dad.  By the way, tell his wife I am thinking about her too.  

Chris Pitts
Good to hear this. 

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Ronald Ford
Thank you for the update Stanley, sounds like things are looking up for him.            
Ronald Ford 
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On Apr 25, 2020, at 4:03 PM, BMWMCON - Chatin' <> wrote:


Thankful for the news---

I am praying for him to come home soon, and I know how hard it is to be separated from loved ones at these times.




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Angie Pelosi
That is a heartwarming read this Sunday morning!

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here is what was on Facebook this morning..

Day 34:My dad is continuing to improve, since his surgery this past Saturday. He is still in the ICU, for now, and has become quite popular with the staff, with his sense of humor. All chest tubes and feeding tube have been removed -it feels like I’m in the movie Groundhog Day. He’s working hard with physical therapy and respiratory therapy to regain his strength and lung capacity so he can progress out of the hospital and into a rehab center, where my mom will be allowed to join him, during his stay there. He and I FaceTimed today and he looks and sounds really good. He’s pretty much like the rest of us. Been in isolation for 5 weeks and no one is getting a hair cut 😁 Again, I have to tell you all how much we appreciate all the prayers. They are definitely working and God is good. I know he wants to thank each of you and will when he’s able.  

Ed Zarb
He has had a long battle. Great to hear he is making good progress. 

Ed Zarb

(M) (865)389-0462

So glad to hear he is doing better.  

Keith and Kathy Hargis

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here is what was on Facebook this morning..

Day 34:My dad is continuing to improve, since his surgery this past Saturday. He is still in the ICU, for now, and has become quite popular with the staff, with his sense of humor. All chest tubes and feeding tube have been removed -it feels like I’m in the movie Groundhog Day. He’s working hard with physical therapy and respiratory therapy to regain his strength and lung capacity so he can progress out of the hospital and into a rehab center, where my mom will be allowed to join him, during his stay there. He and I FaceTimed today and he looks and sounds really good. He’s pretty much like the rest of us. Been in isolation for 5 weeks and no one is getting a hair cut 😁 Again, I have to tell you all how much we appreciate all the prayers. They are definitely working and God is good. I know he wants to thank each of you and will when he’s able.  

Polly Wright
I haven't heard anything about Larry in the past few days, so thought I would check with you and see how things are going.  I look forward to hearing from you, and please tell Larry I'm thinking about him and praying for a quick recovery. 

Polly Wright

In a message dated 4/25/2020 4:03:09 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

Posted by: Stanley Bryan on 4/25/2020 at 4:01 PM
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here is what was on Facebook this morning..

Day 34:My dad is continuing to improve, since his surgery this past Saturday. He is still in the ICU, for now, and has become quite popular with the staff, with his sense of humor. All chest tubes and feeding tube have been removed -it feels like I’m in the movie Groundhog Day. He’s working hard with physical therapy and respiratory therapy to regain his strength and lung capacity so he can progress out of the hospital and into a rehab center, where my mom will be allowed to join him, during his stay there. He and I FaceTimed today and he looks and sounds really good. He’s pretty much like the rest of us. Been in isolation for 5 weeks and no one is getting a hair cut 😁 Again, I have to tell you all how much we appreciate all the prayers. They are definitely working and God is good. I know he wants to thank each of you and will when he’s able. 

Stanley Bryan
Polly here is last Facebook posting from his daughter on the 28th. I've heard nothing since then...                       Day 38:Just a quick update on my dad. He has been moved out of ICU and into a private room. He is making lots of improvements and getting stronger every day. He is medically ready to leave the hospital and move on to the rehabilitation facility. We are in a holding pattern waiting on a room to become available. Hopefully, that will happen tomorrow or Thursday. Our hope is he will only be there a couple of weeks. He’s one big step closer to coming home. As always, thank you for all your continue prayers, thoughts and kind words.

Nathan Cripe
Wonderful to hear!!

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On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 12:44 PM, BMWMCON - Chatin' <> wrote:

I am hoping for the best –

Hope that he gets home soon.



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Douglas Pittman

Larry Marcum Update

Monday, 4 May 2020

Larry was injured Saturday, March 21, 2020 – 44 days

It is nice to report great news as, for several days now, Larry has been in rehab after leaving ICU.  He says it will be a long, hard road but now that his wife, Pat, is staying with him at the rehab center things are much better.  Larry is working to get his strength back, learn how to eat regular food again and looks forward to his return home.  He is uncomfortable in his back brace and still on the roller-coaster of good and not so good days.  At this time there is no estimated date for when they will be able to leave.  Pat says she is staying 24-7 with him because of the quarantine and the facility has provided her with a wonderful cot to sleep on at night.

Hope to hear more soon.

Rick Bernhardt
Thant is the best news that I have heard. We will continue prayers for his full and quick recovery!

Clayton Trueblood
Great news. Thanks for the update. 

Best Regards 

Michael Umphres
Thanks for the update Doug.  Are we getting close to a "drive-by date"?
Mike Umphres
Compensation Advantage
Cell    615-406-3280

Douglas Pittman
Don't know.  

Richard Mueck
Thanks for the update Douglas.
Good to hear Pat has joined him, hat should be a great comforate and support to his rehab.
Continuing our prayers.

Charles Noble
This thing about Larry getting out of the Big House is great news, and from all the comments you would think that we actually care about this guy.....  Rather like a family, a well functioning club supports each other in good times and in the bad times, and to me, it's been refreshing to see the outpouring of concern and love for Larry.  We also saw this when Lee went through his dark days.   We all are sincerely looking forward to Larry's full recovery and I would hope by now that Larry is totally aware of this, and thank you Doug for keeping us informed.  We're a people club that just happen to ride a particular brand of motorcycles.

Sent from my iPad and who cares....

On May 4, 2020, at 8:20 AM, BMWMCON - Chatin' <> wrote:

That is great, having her with him will help. 


Polly Wright
Thanks for the update Douglas.  I hadn't heard anything in several days and was getting worried about him.  It will take a while for him to get back to somewhat normal, but I'm sure he is well on his way since he is in rehab.  

Thanks again for letting us know about him.  What rehab facility is he in?  
Thank you for the update, Douglas! You are such a great friend to him.

If he's going to be there several days/weeks, would anyone be able to get us the name and address of the rehab facility?

My mother is currently in a similar rehab facility 7 hours away and under lockdown, so I have been utilizing the mail for cards and local food delivery services. If we weren't under the "new normal" it would be a lot easier to support our friends.

Cards help with tedium and brighten up the room, and outside food is always welcome after all the industrial cafeterias. I would be thrilled to send Larry and Pat a shared meal, and I bet lots of other people here would be as well.
Cindy Duncanson
Great idea!
Pete and I would certainly like to help. Is there a way to fine out about dietary restrictions too?
Thanks for the thought,

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Good news and continued wishes for a speedy recovery!


Keith and Kathy


Stanley Bryan
I just saw this on Facebook, Great news regarding Larry.

Day 53: Yesterday was the big day! May 12th 2020- 52 days and my dad made it home. We could not be happier and he is so grateful for all of your thoughts, prayers, well wishes, love and support. He’s doing great, getting settled in at home and enjoying sitting in his recliner watching westerns.
We have been advised, by all the medical professionals that cared for him, that due to the extremely fragile condition of his lungs, he should have absolutely no visitors for a while. We are saddened by that but, we know that everyone will understand. Please feel free to contact him by phone, text, FaceTime, Facebook or send a card. He will enjoy hearing from you all.

Ronald Ford
Great news

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Dave Smith

Richard Mueck
Thanks for update Stanley!
Great news to here!
Glad your with your family Larry.


Best news I could hope for… Get better everyday..


David Pell


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