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BMWMCON - Chatin'

Larry Marcum Work Day: Update and Changes - Satur...
Douglas Pittman

This is the update for the Larry Marcum Work Day this Saturday, November 5. The volunteer list is at the bottom of the page.

Start Time (note change): 7:45 AM - meet at Larry's home for dividing into 3 work teams and instructions

8:00 AM - actual start time

12:00 noon - the family is providing lunch at the house

12:45 - finish up if needed

With the 16 volunteers we have, I believe it is possible to be done by noon. If not done by noon, maybe shortly thereafter. We are aiming to be home in time for the Tennessee/Georgia game at 2:30. However, just in case I am recording it.

What will we do? Found out we will NOT be trimming shrubs, we will be cutting them down. So pruners/loppers will be good. Around the house a sling-blade or machete will be helpful in a few places. Small hand saws, loppers and chain saws will handle the rest. If you have a spare rope that might help in guiding the fall of some trees. There are some bushes with thorns so bring gloves.

Trees: there are a couple hundred (guess) trees from 1/4 inch to 36 inches. Most are 1/2 to 1 inch and some up to 6 inches so pruners, loppers, pole saws, chain saw, et cetera. The larger trees will be handled by our volunteer professional tree trimmer and new member Martin Rooks. We will have a skid steer moving our cuttings to burn piles.

Overhead limbs are a problem in a few places and this is where pole-saws will help. Even a small ladder could come in handy.

Where is all this happening? 6636 Cross Keys Road, College Grove, TN 37046. There are 2 black mail boxes and 2 driveways. Turn into the first one (coming from west). It is 1/2 mile to the house and there is room to park.

Note: Phone service is bad to non-existent on much of the property.

Plan on it being wet and light rain. Thanks to the 16 people who have volunteered.

Chris Aycock

Douglas Pittman

Edward Zarb

Jim Allen

John Fromhold

Lee Waggoner

Michael Umphres

Phil Stoner

Ray Moss

Rod McDonald

Ron Brant

Sam Weiland

Skip Neuhoff

Stanley Bryan

Steve Robbins

Martin Rooks


Douglas Pittman


Mike Spragge

Was unexpectedly freed up for this Saturday.  Happy to pitch in if you are still looking for volunteers.




Michael Umphres
Join us Mike.  It is going to be a hoot!

Mike Umphres

Douglas Pittman
Mike, I have added you to the list.  Thanks

Alan Brosche
Douglas add me as well. 

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