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BMWMCON - Riding

Reelfoot RTE in NW Tennessee; Bald Eagles & Ca...
Andy Maddox
Following is a link to to an upcoming RTE I've taken the last several years, as my first (un)official group ride of spring.  It's on the BMWMOA website for April 6 this year; here's a link:

We're generally kickstand's-up from the Dickson TN Cracker Barrel off I-40 Exit 172 @ 8:00a, then follow Hwy's 70 and 22; return via Hwy's 412 & 100.

Let me know if you're interested so I can pass along a head count closer to time; I've seen as few as 5 and as many as 35, but it's always fun!

Andy Mc
Andy Maddox
Bumping this post; weather looks great, perfect road ride to ease into spring.  Call or text 615.405.4412 if you want to ride along; join us for breakfast around 7:30a.

Quoted TextFollowing is a link to to an upcoming RTE I've taken the last several years, as my first (un)official group ride of spring.  It's on the BMWMOA website for April 6 this year; here's a link:

We're generally kickstand's-up from the Dickson TN Cracker Barrel off I-40 Exit 172 @ 8:00a, then follow Hwy's 70 and 22; return via Hwy's 412 & 100.

Let me know if you're interested so I can pass along a head count closer to time; I've seen as few as 5 and as many as 35, but it's always fun!

Andy Mc
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